7 Mathaf El Manial St, El Manial, Cairo, Egypt [email protected] +201111903576


1. Pre-Conference Workshops (5th May 2015)

 I.Meeting the challenge with posterior composite resin restoration

Dr. Ahmed El Zohairy. (Associate Professor , Department of Operative Dentistry Cairo University, Head Of Operative Department, Ahram Canadian University)

Course objectives

Upon completion of this course the participants will be able

–       To understand the multiple factors influencing the quality and long-term behavior of tooth colored posterior restorations

–       To know the criteria of cavity preparation for posterior composite resin restoration

–       To become familiar with the scientific background leading to the choice of the adhesive concept and system, the restorative techniques and materials

–       To identify techniques that can minimize postoperative sensitivity with posterior composite resins

–       To master the clinical application of bulk fill direct composite restorations

–       To discuss the different techniques or devices that will enhance the attainment of an anatomic proximal contact with a Class II composite resin

–       To understand the importance for light curing devices in establishing a successful posterior restoration

II. The Novel Technique of Regenerative Endodontics (Tips & Tricks)

Dr. Shehab El-Din Mohamed Saber (Associate Professor of Endodontics, Ain Shams University)


III.CBCT Made Simple for the Pediatric Dentists

Dr. Nora Seif ( Lecturer, Oral radiology Department, Cairo University)

Course Fees ( For Single Course):

Early Registration ( Before 20th April 2015) : 400 LE

Late Registration ( After 20th April 2015) : 500 LE

3 Courses Package:

Early Registration ( Before 20th April 2015) : 1000 LE

Late Registration ( After 20th April 2015) : 1200 LE

 2. Post-Conference Workshop (9th-10th May 2015)

Pediatric Full Mouth Rehab under General Anesthesia

Course Director:
Assoc Prof Osama El Shahawy

Saturday 9 May:
Lectures & hands on workshop on techniques and recent materials used for treatment of primary teeth.

Sunday 10 May:
Full treatment of a case under GA (under supervision) including placement of Zirconia crowns.

Course Fees :

Early Registration ( Before 20th April 2015) : 4500 LE

Late Registration ( After 20th April 2015) : 5000 LE